If you’ve visited the centre recently you’ve probably noticed the hive of activity taking place in our outdoor pool yard as we prepare to host the 2022 Victorian Country Swimming Championships next weekend (22-24 January).

This 3-day event will see the state’s best up and coming talent travel to Mildura to compete, with a number of our local swimmers flying the flag proudly for our Region.

Hosting an event of this caliber is a huge honour and given its size will mean some temporary service level changes to support its safe and smooth running, while having minimal impact on our customers.

The following information has been put together to help share with you our plans over the upcoming week and throughout the event:

 50m Pool Closed | 19-25 January

The 50m outdoor pool will be closed to the general public from 12pm Wednesday 19 January to 6am Wednesday 26 January. Throughout this period, all indoor pools, including the spa and sauna will remain open.

This temporary closure is to support the safe set-up of the event, including the installation of grandstand seating and marquees which requires the use of forklifts and cranes.

If you would prefer to swim outdoors our outdoor pools at Merbein, Irymple and Red Cliffs will be open across the weekend.

25m Pool Lane Availability

At times there will be a reduced number of general public swimming lanes available on Saturday 22, Sunday 23 and Monday 24. Please click HERE to view our availability table.

Mildura Waves will be opening at 5.30am on Monday 24 January for early morning lap lane swimmers to enjoy a 1.5 hour session before the event booking commences at 7am.

Swimming Lessons

All lessons will run as scheduled in the wave pool and 25m indoor pool.

Aqua Classes

All aqua classes will run as scheduled, with the following changes. A copy of our timetable is available HERE.

  • Thursday 20 January – Deep water running will be hosted in the wave pool
  • Saturday 22 January – No Class
  • Monday 24 January – 9.30am will have a reduced capacity of 20 participants

Group Fitness Classes

All land based and virtual classes will run as scheduled, with the following changes. A copy of our timetable is available HERE.

  • Friday 21 January – 4.00pm Virtual Core: No Class
  • Friday 21 January – 5.30pm BodyPump: No Class


Dedicated Mildura Waves customer parking has been allocated throughout the event (Saturday 22 to Monday 24 January) to help support your ease of access to the centre.

In consultation with Mildura Rural City Council, the Mildura Swimming Club has developed a traffic management plan to support the safe movement of vehicles and pedestrians throughout this area, and you may notice temporary signage in place from Saturday (22 January). As there will be an increased number of people moving throughout the car park, we ask that you please be extra cautious when driving in this area.

We thank you for your support throughout this event.

A big congratulations goes to the Mildura Swimming Club for securing this event for our Region. It is great to be given the opportunity to host an event of this standard and for our local swimmers to be able to compete on their home turf.

Should you have any questions in the lead up to or during the event, please contact our friendly team on (03) 5018 7500.

Good luck to all competitors – Here’s to a great 3 days of racing!