R U OK? Day is our national day of action for reminding each other that everyday is the day to ask, ‘Are you OK?’ and start a meaningful conversation that could change someone’s life.
Here at Mildura Waves, we take great pride in being able to support our community to have these conversations and this year recognised this day of significance by hosting a free morning tea – including a mix of healthy and sweet treats supplied by Midway IGA and fantastic coffee from The Italian.
As we came together, the pool hall was a buzz with conversation, with the genuine support from everyone evident as people spoke, shared stories and checked-in with one another, all while listening with a caring ear.
With $1 donated from every visit, plus very generous cash donations made by our community an incredible $410 was raised to be donated directly to RUOK? to help continue the work they’re doing to support these important conversations and cause.
A big thank you to everyone who joined us throughout the day and shared a smile, story or donation with us – Your support is all very much appreciated.
For more information, resources or support visit www.ruok.org.au
If you or someone you know is struggling, other free support services you can access include:
- SANE Australia (people living with a mental illness) — call 1800 18 7263.
- Beyond Blue (anyone feeling depressed or anxious) — call 1300 22 4636 or chat online.
- Black Dog Institute (people affected by mood disorders) — online help.
- Lifeline (anyone having a personal crisis) — call 13 11 14 or chat online.
- Suicide Call Back Service (anyone thinking about suicide) — call 1300 659
You don’t need qualifications to start a conversation that could change a life, so remember to check-in and ask ‘Are you OK?’.