Register now for the 2020 Memory Walk & Jog proudly supported by Aligned Leisure
Sunday 1 March 2020
Nowingi Place, Mildura VIC 3500
It’s time to get active, get healthy and get ahead of dementia!
Aligned Leisure are proud to be supporting the 2020 Memory Walk & Jog next month and are encouraging everyone to come down for a morning of fun, fitness and fundraising.
The event includes a 2km, 5km or 9km option with participants encouraged to walk, jog or run their preferred distance to the finish line. Whichever option you decide, your contribution will help to support those affected by dementia, and to assist those families supporting loved ones living with this condition.
- 7.00am – Registrations Open
- 8.20am – Official warm up facilitated by the friendly Mildura Waves group fitness team
- 8.30am – Walk, Jog or Run starts
Registrations are still open for individuals and teams, so get your friends and family together and register today.
Together we get active, we fundraise and we step up for people living with dementia to say “You are not alone!”.